The Inclusive Networker

Figuring Out the WHO Not the HOW

January 16, 2024 Dr. Raymona H. Lawrence Episode 61

Unlock the secret of dynamic partnerships that could catapult your business into the stratosphere. Join me, in this week's episode as I delve into key insights from two impactful books, 'Who, Not How' and '10X is Easier Than 2X.' Discover the transformative concept of focusing on the 'Who' rather than the 'How' when setting ambitious goals.

Learn how to build a diverse team for every aspect of your life, be a valuable collaborator, and ultimately, stop competing to start collaborating for greater success. This episode is a must-listen for those ready to thrive in their businesses and embrace the power of strategic partnerships in 2024!

In this episode, you'll learn the following:
1. The importance of shifting the focus from the "how" to the "who" when setting and achieving goals.
2. The concept of extending collaboration beyond business goals to various facets of your life.
3. Uncover the keys to being a valuable collaborator in any partnership.

Want more from Dr. Raymona?

Thank you for listening!

~Dr. Raymona

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey and welcome, welcome. Welcome to the Inclusive Networker Podcast. This podcast is the SOS, that's all the inside scoop on systems operations and the support for women and minority-owned businesses. We help small business owners and solo-preneurs become aware of gaps in knowledge or awareness that could be keeping their networks and businesses small. We help women and minority-owned businesses to be able to support women and minority-owned businesses. So if that's you, or you want to authentically support women and minority-owned businesses, you are in the right place. But be warned you will be challenged. But here's the thing you won't be judged. I'm your host, dr Ramona. I'm the owner of the fabulous software as a service that's SaaS agency called I Engage you. I'm a speaker, coach, consultant, public health professor, wife, mom and a fierce challenger of broken systems that keep people from reaching their highest potential. I am so excited to be with you on your journey to becoming an Inclusive Networker. Let's jump right in. Hey, hey, hey, welcome, welcome.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to this week's episode of the Inclusive Networker Podcast. I am your host, dr Ramona, and we are going to jump right in. I am here with another solo episode. As you have heard, in season five, episode one that was last week I talked a little bit about my vision and where I wanted to go with the Inclusive Networker Podcast. So if you didn't listen to that episode yet and you're starting on episode two, go back and listen and you will get to hear a little bit more about that.

Speaker 1:

But what we are doing is really really honing in on women and minority businesses. It is so important for women and minority businesses to thrive, and, since I am a woman who is a minority and own a business, I'm super passionate about challenging broken systems that keep women from reaching their highest potential. And so what are we talking about today? I read two amazing books. These books were one who, not how, by Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Hardy, and then the other book is by the same officers, by the same authors, and that is 10X is easier than 2X, and so I want to really talk to you about this one concept of it's who, not how, because when we think about the Inclusive Networker, networking is absolutely the backbone of being an inclusive networker, right?

Speaker 1:

So one of the things that I have seen many women business owners doing is trying to figure out the how. It is like okay, I have this big dream and I have this big vision. Let's say I'm in my business, I want to make $100,000 this year. Well, people are like, oh, my goodness, this is a big goal for me. Let me write down every little bit of how I can do this. Then they get stuck because they realize that they don't have the entire skill set needed to be able to reach that particular goal. And so, year after year after year, we have these great goals that we start in January and we say I'm going to do this, let's write down how I'm going to make it happen. But very few people really think about the who that they need to make these things happen. And so when I read who, not how, it was like oh, light bulb goes off. This is how you are going to reach your goals this year. We are still in January. If you are not listening to this in January, I am in January. It is very early January and it is January of 2024.

Speaker 1:

It is time to start to do some things different in our women and minority-owned business, and so thinking about the who that is going to help us is going to be so important. So when you think about who, I want you to think about who you're going to collaborate with. Who do you need to work with? Who has the skill that you don't have? And a great example of this is with the authors of the book. Because Dan Sullivan is the person that is, the just this huge coach, business coach in the industry, but he doesn't write big books. So he said who do I need to get these ideas out and who's going to get this out in a way that reflects me? So he partnered with Dr Benjamin Hardy, who is a PhD and has all kinds of knowledge about writing, is a very good writer. He partnered with him and said hey, these are my ideas, but you're the one that's actually going to write them.

Speaker 1:

And so sometimes we don't even think about this. We think about oh, I want to write a book, but I've got to write it by myself, I've got to do all the tech to sell it, I've got to make sure that I know how to become a publisher, and all of these things. But no, that is not where you are going to go in your business this year. You have got to stop thinking about the how. Now, when I say stop thinking about the how, I don't mean that you are not going to think about the how at all Okay. So what we often do is write out the steps. So if I have a big goal, I'm going to map out the steps. I'm going to say, yeah, what does it take for me to get to where I want to be? But then there are some things that I know that I can't do. So that's where I'm going to find a who.

Speaker 1:

And you have to find the who, the person that has a skill set that you don't have, and make sure that you reach out to them and ask them hey, I need help with this. I am not the most skilled at this. Can you come in and partner with me? Now? Why don't we do this? A reason that we often don't do this is that we're like I don't want this person to steal my business idea. I don't want to have to share the finances. I already don't have enough, or I don't have enough to pay people and all of that. We got to get out of that mindset. We're in 2024. We're moving to the next mindset and that mindset is not going to work anymore, Not if you're really going to explode with your purpose and really expand.

Speaker 1:

You cannot DIY everything. A lot of you are DIYing all the things in your business, especially tech. I do the tech. I have a SaaS agency. I love it. I love automations and emails and why emails deliver and all the techy stuff, and if this, then that and all of that. That's my skill set, but a lot of you that is not your skill set, but you are trying to figure that out and do all of that yourself, and so you are doing DIY. It is keeping you from reaching the goals that you have and doing the things that you are truly purpose to do, and you're doing the DIY and feeling like you're going to DIE right, because you're overwhelmed with everything that you are having to do in your business. And so this year, as you are moving forward, we are not DIYing everything. You have got to invest in people, in relationships. Invest does not mean money. It can mean time to build relationships with people so that they can help you do things. You have some type of strong skill sets that they don't have to, that you might be able to exchange, so this doesn't have to be an expensive concept.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so here's three things that I want you all to do as we move forward as these thriving women and minorities in business. The first one is to find a who for every aspect of your life, and I mean every aspect. So in season five, episode one that was last week, go back again and check it out. We talked about one of the things that is an issue is with women in business, and this is from data is that women don't have childcare. So, even in your personal life, how do you build a team around everything that you have to do?

Speaker 1:

I have a six-year-old son who is into sports, sports, sports. He is Golden State Warriors, the Lakers, the if he wants to do basketball, he wants to do wrestling, he loves flag football, he wants to do soccer. If I did not have a team of people helping me to get him from place to place, I would not be building this business because I would constantly be just taking him place to place. And so those are the things. How do you ensure that someone is helping you with things around the house? It's not just you, not just you that can pick up a broom right, and so think about it. What are the things that are in your personal life?

Speaker 1:

But then in your business, like I was saying, a lot of you that, and especially the women that I work with, the women that I work with are what we call heart workers. You have the heart, you have the passion for people, but you do not have the tech skills, and so you are not putting together things properly. In the back end of your business. It is not set up. I can see it from the front end that it's not together. It's not set up as a system. Everything is random. You've got random maps and you got all these things, so that's someone you need to partner with. You are the attractive character, the person who's out front doing the work. Who is the other person that sets up the tech systems and all of that?

Speaker 1:

Start to think about that. Who are you going to partner with to ensure that you can get those things done that aren't your particular strength? Okay, so write out every aspect of your life. So that's number one. Find a who for every aspect of your life. Number two you have to be a good who yourself, all right, and so you're not going to be able to partner with people If you don't show up on time, if you are not being the person that is there to make sure that you deliver things that you need to deliver to them, If you don't know your own skill set that you want to offer people. Those types of things are important. So how are you being a good who yourself, so that you're? Are you putting yourself out there and letting people know the different things that you can do? Have you honed in on your skill set? That is how you become a good who yourself, so that you actually can partner with someone else. Okay, so that's number two. Number three is the biggest one Stop competing and start collaborating. We are no longer in competition.

Speaker 1:

If you are competing with people and saying, oh, this person does fashion and I do fashion, so we can't get together and talk because they might have a little bit more than I do or they may take my ideas, you are going to stay small. You do not want to do that. You've got to talk to people, the people in industry, in big industries, speaking, coaching, restaurants, anybody. They are collaborating with other people and they are learning and they are not doing the things that they don't have the skill set for. So here we are in 2024. We've got big goals, we are really ready to do some things and we are tired of being stuck and in the same place. So what are we going to do. We are going to think about the who, not the how. Don't focus on how, because that is going to make you feel stuck, because you are never going to have all of the skill sets that you need to reach a big, big goal.

Speaker 1:

If you really have a big goal, you don't have the skill set to get there. I don't have the skill set to do everything that I want to do. I'm constantly partnering with people. I'm going to make sure that somebody is helping me with this podcast. I am going to make sure that someone is helping me build the village. I have coaches and VA's and people that are helping with every aspect of this, and so that's what you need to do. That is the key. That is the thing that you have been missing all this time. It is not the how you know how, since you've been knowing how it's the who that you have been missing, and so that is this week's episode of the Inclusive Networker Podcast. I'm so excited to support you on your journey as you move forward to become an inclusive and networker, and one thing that I want to make sure that you know is that you can hop into I engage, you go to ingaid youcom. Get that 14 day free trial and we are here in the village to give you your SOS, your systems, your operations and your support so that you can thrive in your business. So that's this week's episode of the inclusive networker podcast. I'll see you on the next episode. Bye, and that wraps up another episode of the inclusive networker podcast.

Speaker 1:

I want to express my sincere gratitude to you, our listeners, for joining us on this journey of learning and growth. Your support and engagement are truly, truly appreciated. But before we go, I have something special for our business owners out there. If you're looking to take your business to new heights, I've created a game changer just for you, introducing I engage you. It is the SOS, that is, the systems, operations and support for your business. It is the all in one platform designed to ignite explosive growth for women and minority on businesses.

Speaker 1:

Imagine a world where your business runs seamlessly, where overwhelm becomes a thing of the past and you finally have both a thriving business and a life you love. With I engage you, you can conversationally convert leads from your pocket. You can generate sales with the push of a button and effortlessly scale your online reputation. And here's the best part you can experience the power of I engage you with a 14 day free trial. It's time to increase your business efficiency, reduce overwhelm and step into a future of success. So head over to I engage you, com to start your 14 day free trial today, thank you. Thank you again for being part of the inclusive network or community. Until next time, keep networking inclusively and thriving in your journey of success. Take care and we'll catch you in the next episode.