The Inclusive Networker

Setting Boundaries | Series with Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson

October 24, 2023 Dr. Raymona H. Lawrence Episode 49

Do you struggle to settle and maintain healthy boundaries? Well, Dr. PBJ is back for the third part of the Disrupting Burnout series to introduce us to the art of setting effective boundaries. It's not about controlling others, it's about safeguarding ourselves and our values. The key lies in knowing what we're unwilling to lose. This understanding aids in establishing boundaries that protect our values, while her four-step process provides a new perspective on maintaining those values. It's a conversation that promises to change your thinking about boundaries and their role in your life.

Today we explore gratitude and engagement as vital elements in maintaining a balanced work-life scenario. We take you through a transformative exercise that involves identifying your values, creating a “why” for each one, and using these values to build a sustainable balance in life. We also emphasize the importance of taking time for reflection and being mindful of energy levels. This episode is a lifeline for anyone feeling overwhelmed, so join us for an enlightening journey to rediscover your purpose.

Disrupting Burnout: The Professional Woman’s Lifeline to Finding Purpose
Grab a sample chapter of Dr. PBJ's upcoming book at

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~Dr. Raymona

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey, welcome, welcome, welcome to this week's episode of the Inclusive Networker podcast, where we help network marketers, small business owners and solopreneurs become aware of gaps in knowledge or awareness that could be keeping their networks and businesses small. Tune in as we give tips and simple practical tools to make your business more inclusive and we teach you how to build inclusive communities that support diverse customers, team members and business partners. So if you want to authentically build relationships with diverse communities of customers or business partners, you are in the right place. But be warned you will be challenged. But here's the thing you won't be judged. I'm your host, dr Ramona. I'm a speaker, coach, consultant, public health professor, wife, mom and a fierce challenger of broken systems that keep people from reaching their highest potential. I'm so excited to be with you on your journey to becoming an inclusive networker, so let's jump right in. Hey, hey, hey, welcome.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to this week's episode of the Inclusive Networker podcast. This is your host, dr Ramona, and who are we calling in? Once again? This week it is Dr Patrice Buckner Jackson. We have had an absolutely powerful series. We are on episode number three of disrupting burnout and moving into discovering our brilliance, and so, if you have not been on the last two episodes. If you have not watched them, listened to them, it just absorb them in some way. Go, go quick to number one, listen. Make sure that you go then to number two. Listen to that one. There is so much goodness and the foundation for what we're talking about today. And so Dr Patrice Buckner Jackson is here.

Speaker 1:

She is known as Dr PBJ. She gives educators the strategy for accomplishing purposeful work without burnout. She has been an educator for almost 25 years and an executive coach for more than 10 years. She is the founder of Educare Training and Consulting LLC, and she founded it out of a purpose for pouring into those who pour out so much. She has a community that she leads to serve well without paying the ultimate price. And so Dr PBJ is the creator and host of the disrupting burnout podcast, as well as the author of the fabulous book. I have read it and it is absolutely fabulous. This book is soon to be released and it is called disrupting burnout the professional woman's lifeline. This is your lifeline, this thing. You have got to read it. It is the professional woman's lifeline to finding purpose. So, dr PBJ, welcome, welcome back to the podcast. We are on episode three, and I cannot wait to talk to you about these boundaries today.

Speaker 2:

You know what, dr Ramona, before we even jump in. I haven't done this yet, but I just need to publicly thank you for one, just being my true friend, a partner in business. But you took this book in its raw form, before it was edited. You were one of the first people to see it and to read it, cover to cover, and you helped me take it to a different level. Dr Ramona, from the title of the book to some of the stories that I share, thank you, thank you for your investment in this work, thank you for your love for me and this mission. I just want to say publicly I am so grateful for you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness, you are so very welcome. I'm telling you, when I picked up this book the beta version was just straight Fine I'm talking about. I read the first page and was writing on it like wait, what you just called me right on out, just called me right out, and from there on it was just like ooh, you know I'll be constant, constant and so much substance. You know you talked about in an episode, a couple of episodes back about the fact that it's not just time management and resilience and all of these things that we've heard before before. We get the same old, same old strategies and we're still tired and we're burnout and we're not moving forward in our lives. But when I read this book, it was completely transformational to my life.

Speaker 1:

When I say I was able to discover my brilliance that I had never even realized was just sitting there and I will tell you what it is, I'm going to go ahead and start talking about this Because I am a person who understands connections. I think in systems. I think if I see, like, even if a student is writing a dissertation, if they say something on page two and then they get down to 200 and they say something different, I'm like that did not connect with what you said on page two, and I see different business systems and how they all fit together and just make it really plain for people. And I have done those types of things, even with puzzles, and you want me on your trivia team because I can figure out the pattern, and so I've done that since I was young and didn't think about it, just like you said. It did not register to me that that was even remotely brilliant or something that I could use in every aspect of my life. And so when I saw your examples of brilliance and was just able to read and work through these strategies that you're giving us, I really, really just feel so much purpose in just the tracks to run on in my path, because I do truly understand my brilliance and I see it in everything.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm like, oh, my goodness, it was right there. Yes, right, they are in front of me and I did not see it. And so you all, when you get this book, you are going to discover that brilliance, you're going to see what you've been missing and it's going to help you disrupt that burnout, because now you're going to know why you're here, you're going to know that you don't have to be an imposter. You can do the things that you are meant to do. So I'm so excited we're going to jump into it. But I just had to say that because this was literally one of the best books I have ever read, and I read it in the beta form, so I cannot wait to see the end result of what this thing is going to do. Oh, it's going to be good.

Speaker 2:

You know, dr Ramona, this is the most complete work I've ever offered On a podcast. You only have a few minutes. Yeah. When I'm doing a keynote speech, you have about an hour. Even when I do a four hour workshop, right, like, people leave feeling progress but I can't say it all. Yeah, and this book was my opportunity to say it all and to outline it, not just in the way that I lived it, but the way that I teach it and I was seeing in my clients and just what you're saying right now brings me so much joy because to see someone acknowledge their own brilliance and y'all, I promise you we're going to get to brilliance. I promise you, like, we got to work on these boundaries this week, but next week we got to talk to you about your brilliance because it changes everything. It changes everything to see that you acknowledge your brilliance and you can see it in yourself now and acknowledge oh wait, a minute, I didn't just happen to choose this business or I didn't just happen to show up at this job. Like they need me here, I'm supposed to be here and y'all, it's not even pride, it's responsibility.

Speaker 2:

Your people don't have time for you to apologize for who you are. There are people suffering and struggling, waiting for you to show up, and they don't need you to show up intimidated. They don't need you to show up apologizing for who you are. They don't need you to show up with your imposter syndrome. They need you to show up in full power of your brilliance so that they can be free. And it doesn't matter if you sell in jewelry or makeup or supplements, it doesn't matter what your business is. There are people who need you. There are people who need to connect with you. They need to be a part of your team. They need to buy your product, whatever it is, and they can't afford for you to hide backstage while they're waiting for you, their answer, to show up.

Speaker 2:

So we got to get you out of this cycle of burnout. We are disrupting this thing, tearing this thing down, and that's why we got to walk through strategy one and strategy two, because some people can't even see their brilliance. When you haven't checked your backpack and when you don't have boundaries, it's very difficult to see and live in that brilliance. So we're taking this journey with you through all three strategies so that, again, we don't want you to just feel better temporarily. We want you to destroy the cycle of burnout and maximize brilliance in your life, and in order to do that, you've got to check your backpack, you got to build some strong boundaries and you have to discover your brilliance. And today we're going to talk about how to build these boundaries.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's do it, let's do it. And so I think we've all heard about boundaries. We've heard the term, we've kind of set boundaries with some people, and so tell us your perspective of boundaries and how this really fits within our strategy that we're using to discover our brilliance.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely. So you're right. A lot of us are talking about boundaries and I'm really concerned that boundaries will become a fad. Right, but they're not a fad, they're safety. Boundaries are safety.

Speaker 2:

When you think about boundaries, I want you to think about the walls around an ancient city. So y'all just walk with me for a minute, right? So I'm talking. Thousands of years ago, cities would have stone walls around them and the walls would go several feet deep and several feet high, and the goal of the wall was not isolation, it was protection. And there would be watchmen on the wall and the watchmen would let down the drawbridge to allow people in who were supposed to be there and then not do that if people were not supposed to be there. Right?

Speaker 2:

So how are you controlling who or what has access to you? Your boundaries are not to control the behavior of other people. Your boundaries are to protect and determine your own responses and your own behavior. Boundaries set a guard around what means most to you, and one of the reasons why people struggle with boundaries, dr Ramona, is because they don't connect them to what are you unwilling to lose At the end of the day? Of all of the responsibilities, of all the hats you wear, of all the roles you have, what are you unwilling to lose? Once you know what you're unwilling to sacrifice, then you can build boundaries to protect it.

Speaker 1:

So this piece is interesting that you just said about it's. Boundaries are not meant to control other people, they're meant to control you. So often we think about boundaries as I'm giving you an ultimatum and you have to do what I said, but the boundary is to protect us, yes, and then when you talked about what are you unwilling to lose? So let's unpack those two things a little bit. So when you talk about a boundary that is not meant to control but to protect, give us an example of one of those.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so a boundary and manipulation are two different things. Right? So let's use marriage for example. Right so? I love my husband. We do life together, but I don't control him. I don't control him. Right? So if we one of my boundaries may be, you know, I get up at five o'clock in the morning so that I can protect the quiet time that I need in order to be my best self. You know, five o'clock in the morning is the time that nobody's calling my name, the dog's not even barking, nobody needs anything, and that's my guaranteed time to get what I need to be my best during the

Speaker 2:

day. If I were to say to my husband Edward, you know you have to, you have to get up at five o'clock in the morning, or you as a family, we're going to Now if you agree. That's one thing, but for me to tell him, in order for me to be my best, I need you to get up and cook the breakfast, so I need you to. That's controlling, manipulative. I don't control him. I don't control him. I can only control me. So I let him know this is time that I need. This is time that I need to myself and I'm going to draw a boundary to say I'm going to do this every weekday for myself.

Speaker 2:

Now, if he says, okay, but you know what about? You know, maybe some cuddle time, all right, let's do that on the weekend, let's do that on Saturdays, so that I don't mind doing that, but Monday through Friday I need time for myself. So you got to draw a line on what you are willing to do, what you need to do to protect what matters to you, without dictating what somebody else has to do Mm, hmm, that's good, and so, as we move that forward into the, what am I unwilling to lose?

Speaker 1:

So what would you lose if that boundary wasn't respected?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely so. One of my values. I call them values, not a measure of integrity, but these are so precious to me I'm not willing to lose them. One of my values to my values time and spiritual health, mm, hmm, those are two of my values that I'm not willing to compromise anymore. Now I got to tell the truth, dr Ramona. I have compromised them in the past and that's why I'm so fiercely protective of them now, because I'm unwilling to jeopardize my spiritual health and my time anymore.

Speaker 2:

Then I set aside that time first thing in the morning to do whatever I need. Right, so it may look different every day. I can do whatever I need in that space pray or read or whatever to prepare myself for whatever life might bring. Because the truth is, we plan our days, but you never know what each day is going to bring. When I've had that time, I can handle it. Whatever it is, I can handle it. So, yes, those values, what are you unwilling to lose? I'm no longer willing to lose my spiritual health. I'm no longer willing to squander my time, because I understand how precious it is. So in order to do that, I set a boundary that at five o'clock weekdays I get up and that's my quiet time, mm hmm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so as you have moved through the process of helping other people to see the boundary and then working with them to respect it, what has been the process that you've done, because I think a lot of people are like well, I would love to say at this time I'm going to do this, but my family is just not on board.

Speaker 2:

Right, so how?

Speaker 1:

do we kind of help them with this process of setting the boundary, but also how do we help other people respect that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's so good. So two things. One in a moment I'm going to walk you through the four step process for building a boundary that works. Okay, Because we choose a boundary that we hear on social media or we hear somebody else say, just like I just said, I wake up at five, and some people might say, oh, that means I need to wake up at five. That's what works for PBJ Imposter boundaries.

Speaker 2:

You see what I'm saying Not imposter boundaries, I got to write it down, but it's true. It's true. We hear a coach, a guru, somebody that we look up to say something, and then we feel like, oh, now I have to start. No, you don't. These boundaries are specific to you and what you need, right. So we're going to walk through how to build a boundary, but before we do that, it is so important to communicate clearly, especially to the people who mean the most to you.

Speaker 2:

What I found is it's not that people often, it's not that people are unwilling to honor the boundary, is that we're unwilling to have the conversation. So we want to recruit our folks to understand and to support you in your boundary, right? So that conversation is not. Look, this is what I'm going to do and y'all need to get with it that that's not. That's not the most impactful way to do it. I present to my family and those who matter the most to me this is a boundary and this is a boundary that I'm trying.

Speaker 2:

I may need to adjust, you know, but this is something that I like to try. Here's why. Here's why. So, let's say, five o'clock in the morning, talk to my husband hey, babe, I want to give a try to waking up at five Every morning.

Speaker 2:

I think having an hour to myself for the house is moving will give me an opportunity to get ready for the day, to pray, to prepare spiritually, to prepare mentally, and by the time you all wake up I'll be in the great space that I'm ready to support or do whatever you all need me to do to help. But in order to do that and you know I'm an introvert and I need that quiet time in order to do that I'd like to get up at five and making sure because as the day goes I may or may not get quiet time, but this time I can ensure is that something you can support me in? I invite them, invite them in right, and even if there's pushback or if there are questions, then you can say this is really something I need to try, this is really to do for me, and I hear your concerns. Let's give it a try and if I need to adjust, then we'll adjust. But can you support me and trying it for a week? Hmm?

Speaker 1:

This. This reminds me of you know, I always talk about roar, so that's my framework, that's that's my thing that I teach people and I can see how roar fits with this. Boundaries, Right. So we have to recruit people right into the vision of the boundary. We have to onboard them right, because we've got to give them the proper information right that they need to be able to participate in the activity, which is A. So activity is now you're having to respect the boundary that I have, and then R is for retention. So how do we retain this? We've got to follow up with people. We have to make sure that they understand where I am with the boundary. Is it working for me, right? I'm not just here to do this and I'm imposing this upon you. How's it working for me? Let me give you some feedback about how is it working for you. And then, so that's how we were. We were tame. Oh, I just thought that was a revelation, come on.

Speaker 2:

That is good. That's good. And you know what, dr Ramona, even as you're saying that. So I think about and I'm stuck on marriage today.

Speaker 2:

So we were married for years before my husband understood what it meant for me to be an introvert. Yes, because he is very much an extrovert. He is gifted Like. He needs to be surrounded by people, he loves it, he thrives on it, he gets his energy from it. And I had said I was an introvert but I present very much like an extrovert, professionally and otherwise. You know, when I'm doing a keynote you don't know I'm an introvert, but I really am. So I would say it.

Speaker 2:

But it didn't make sense to him, it didn't mean anything to him because I had never recruited him to support me in that area of my life, I had never onboarded him to help him understand what that means and what those needs were. So you're saying that just helps me reflect back on that. And now we're at a point where he can say okay, I know, my wife needs some quiet time. You know, yesterday we had some friends over and we hadn't seen them in a long time. And they're some. They got some little babies and we held the babies and got in the pool and all the little things. But he knew, yesterday afternoon, when that was over, he got me a blanket. I got in the recliner, I put my feet up. He's like babe, do you need anything?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm good he gave me space, because now he knows, but before we had that conversation, before I followed Roar, he couldn't because he did not know what that meant for me, because every introvert is not the same yeah, so he didn't know how to support me in that. I just assumed that he was supposed to know, but that didn't make sense to him. So we've got to recruit our people in and teach them, help them understand what it means to support you in that boundary. Share the vision. Yeah, Share the vision. You know I want to have more energy throughout my days. You know I want to go to bed refreshed and not overwhelmed. You know I want to go throughout my day, not feeling like I'm chasing the day, but I'm commanding the day. You know, and starting with that quiet time does that for me, and being able to explain it to my loved ones in that way helps them to support the vision as well.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I love that.

Speaker 2:

That was good. I love it. I love it. So let me walk you through the steps of building a balance that works. The first is you have to identify your values. So, again, what are you unwilling to lose? And friend, everything can't be a value. If everything's a value, nothing is Okay. Everything can't be a value. So I want you to think about at the end of your days, if you are breathing your last breath, what do you want to look up and see is with you or that you have done? Those are your values. What are you on? And your values may change with different seasons of your life, and that's okay. But in your current season, right now, what are you unwilling to lose? I'll tell on myself.

Speaker 2:

When I was stuck in the cycle of burnout, my child felt like she needed an appointment to see me. While I was running around taking care of everybody else's college child, my own child felt like my job was so important that she needed to stay out of my way. I'm never going to jeopardize that that relationship again. Another value for me is my health. I allowed a lot of damage to my health not watching what I eat, failing to move my body, you know, just picking up whatever I could because I'm busy. I'm serving. I'm busy for a good reason I'm serving, and I was serving so much that I neglected. I neglected this body that allows me to serve.

Speaker 2:

I neglected that I could move without pain. I neglected that my systems seemed to be working and I was not in discomfort. I neglected that to the point where now I'm recovering. I'm recovering my health. I'm recovering concerning my weight and you know, blood pressure and different things that I allowed. All of this is preventable. It's preventable. I allowed it to happen because I jeopardize what means most to me, Mm-hmm. So you got to choose your values. You got what are you unwilling to lose? So that's number one. Number two you have to give a why for every value. Why is it so important to you? Your why is your anchor? Without the why, you won't hold the boundary. Don't choose a value that you think you're supposed to say or that you think is the right answer.

Speaker 2:

It needs to be a value that means something to you. And if it truly means something to you, you can say why. You can say why it's important. So you have to have the why. Your why is your anchor, so your why. Number three, just like you said earlier, dr Ramona, what's your vision, mm-hmm? So what is your vision for your health? What is your vision for that relationship that you're unwilling to let go of? What is your vision for your business and for your brilliance, your purpose, whatever your values are, you need a vision for that area of your life. What do you want it to look like? And I'm talking no restrictions, not restricted by money, not restricted by the opinions of others, if there was nothing holding you back, mm-hmm, what? What is your vision for that area of your life? And you want to do this for each value, and I'm gonna say, friend, don't choose more than five values.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's good Start with five, start with five or less. But what is your vision for that area of your life? What do you want it to look like? What? What is your heart's desire? Your vision becomes your destination. Mm-hmm, right, we can't make progress if we don't know where we're going. So your vision becomes your destination. And then, finally, what action are you willing to take? That's the actual boundary. Your boundary is action. What step are you willing to take or you're willing to stop To get you closer to that vision? Right?

Speaker 2:

So, if I use my health as an example, I Value my health. Mm-hmm, why? Because I cannot accomplish Purpose if my body is broken. Yeah, I know that there's purpose for me to do in the earth and my body is the vehicle through which I do it. So I need my body to be well in order to accomplish purpose. What is my vision? My vision is that I have energy To do everything that I need to do, an energy left over. At the end of the day, my vision is that I can go throughout my day running through airports, standing, doing presentations, key nose hugging people, encouraging them, and not feeling ache or a pain. Vision is that I crave Food that nourishes my body. Like that is not. I'm not fighting to eat it, I'm longing to eat it. I want to consume that. My vision is that I'm 80 years old, still traveling this world, enjoying my life. That is the vision for my health. So, action, what am I willing to do?

Speaker 2:

I started by moving my body 30 minutes every day. 30 minutes every day. And y'all I had to get away from so and so said you should do this. So and so said you should do that. You should be lifting weights, you should be running, you should be. I had to start with. What do I love? I love to dance, I love to lift weights. I'm gonna move my body 30 minutes a day, doing something I love. That's it. That's it. And as I gain more strength and as I gain more health, then I may extend the time. I may add some other things, but I'm starting with what works for me. Mm-hmm, that is my boundary. My boundary is I will move my body 30 minutes a day. So that's just an example. And you, you try the boundary and if you need to adjust it, you can adjust it because it's your boundary. You don't need anybody's permission, you don't need judgment from anybody. It's your boundary. You can adjust it to fit where you are today, as long as it's moving you towards that vision Mm-hmm area of your life.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love that as such a powerful example and, you know, I'm even thinking. I love the personal example and I'm thinking about business, because a lot of times people have shown Toxic boundaries. They work all the way into the evening. They never take a Saturday or a Sunday off and if your boundary is, I need to stop at 5 pm Because my children are gonna be home and I'm going to, you know, spend time with them. I'm gonna cook, I'm going to rest.

Speaker 1:

Even it doesn't have to be a big reason, right, it can be whatever you say it is. But A lot of times we are like oh, I cannot have these boundaries in my business and we're burnt out because we don't have the boundaries set. We're like I have got to just reach for every potential prospect that I could ever find and there's no boundary to what time I'm spending on social media. I can't go to my children's events because I've got to be at this thing that I'm doing for my business, and it's like take a breath, yeah, stop. Really, figure out that. Why and I'm stuck on this Give a why. Because you're not anchored to the boundary. If you're not, if you don't have a why, there's nothing that holds you to it, so that why has to be big enough that you stick to the boundary.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And so that's so good that we can think about this In so many different areas of our life where, whether it's personal, whether it's in business, in academia, wherever that may be, these boundaries are so important to keep from burning out. I love it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's so good. As you were talking, I thought about how your boundary can be a tool. So you introduced me to I engage you and I engage you allows me to respond to my community on social media without being on social media, so I don't have to get lost in the feeds, I don't have to be consuming all the things for me. That can be overwhelming For me. It can consume my thoughts and be a distraction, but using this tool to say, okay, I will engage with my community, I'm engaging on social media, but I'm going to do it through I engage you so that I don't have to be so consumed with the feeds. That's a boundary. That's a boundary and it keeps me healthy. It allows my business to grow without me taking on the parts that are not healthy.

Speaker 1:

That's a great example. Yes, and you know, this is so important and these are the things that, again, we're so stuck on skills and coaching and development that we're not even seeing we got a heavy back back on. We have no boundaries and this is is weighing us down. We're getting sucked of all the energy that we could possibly have and we're not giving anything back to the world because we're. We have imposter boundaries, imposter syndrome, and we don't know our brilliance. So this is so good.

Speaker 2:

I love it I love it.

Speaker 2:

Even as you were talking, having good boundaries. Without good boundaries, you don't even know what coach to choose. How do you know who's in alignment with you? That's right, yes, If you haven't established what your values are, so you don't even know what program to sign up for. You don't even know who to connect to if your boundaries are not in place. And we're, you know, next week. I can't wait, y'all. You got to come back and talk about this brilliance that you cannot hear all of this and not talk about brilliant. You got to talk about brilliance when I'm here to tell you without boundaries, you can be reckless. It's brilliant. So you've got to have these boundaries in place so that you can maximize brilliance without experiencing deep consequences.

Speaker 1:

All right, y'all. So next episode, episode four discovery brilliance. We are leaving the cliffhanger right here. You have got to come back next week and figure out how we've gotten the stuff out of our backpack. We have set our boundaries. How do you discover this brilliance that helps you to disrupt this burnout and get to the place where you are really serving the purpose that you are supposed to serve in this world? So, dr PBJ, thank you for another fabulous episode. You all join us again in episode four, and I am so very appreciative that you listened to this episode of the Inclusive Networker Podcast. We'll see you next week. Bye, and that wraps up another episode of the Inclusive Networker Podcast.

Speaker 1:

I want to express my sincere gratitude to you, our listeners, for joining us on this journey of learning and growth. Your support and engagement are truly, truly appreciated. Creating a more inclusive network and beyond starts with us individually and collectively. Let's continue these conversations beyond the Inclusive Networker Podcast. Engage with others, challenge your own assumptions, take action to make a difference in your own spheres of influence and share, share, share this podcast with a friend. So here's what you can do next Go to drremonahlauntscom and keep up with me. Stay in touch. That's D-R-R-A-Y-M-O-N-A-H-L-A-W-R-E-N-C-Ecom. Don't forget my Y in Dr Ramona, and don't you dare forget your Y, and I'll see you on the next episode of the Inclusive Networker.